The Garden Tomb, Church of the Ascension, King David Hotel, Israeli Museum, and Knesset.
Although most archeological scholars tend to prefer the Tomb of the Holy Sepulcher as the actual site of crucifixion and burial, the garden tomb is very helpful to visit. It is far removed from the commotion and religious rituals of the Church. Allows you to contemplate the events of that fateful day so long ago. When we arrived, we were met by a ‘Kiwi’ tour guide. He was very touched to have someone from ‘back home’ in the Holy Land. (at least across the channel from home!) The first station he led us to had a small sign “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem” and was quite excited when we could answer the question of where the phrase came from (Psa 122:6). So we spontaneously offered to sing the hymn. It was the first time we had all sung together, it was so beautiful in the quiet garden. After the tour, we did a reading of John 19 and talked over the events that occurred on that important day and their significance. A very positive, and sobering, experience.
Next stop was the Church of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives. The supposed place of Christ Ascension to Heaven as recorded in Acts1:9. Again, the church and other buildings restrict your ability to imagine what it would have been like in those times. We climbed the tower and enjoyed the splendid 360° views across to Jerusalem, and round into the Jordan Valley. We virtually had the whole church to ourselves and were talking about the beauty of its construction when we decided to sing some hymns because we could sense the acoustics of the building. This was an absolutely amazing experience! We sang acapella (without accompaniment) and enough knew the parts to give the harmony. Even our raspy old voices sounded incredible! We sang slowly and enjoyed the resonance at the end of each line. I wonder what it will be like hearing the singing in the Temple of the future age.
We visited the Israeli Museum, which houses a scaled model of the old city of Jerusalem in the time of Christ. Very interesting to see the perspective of some of the sites we have already visited. We also saw the Shrine of the Book – where the Dead Seas Scrolls (discovered in 1947 at the time the Nation of Israel was being reborn) are housed. These manuscripts are 700 years older than any of the texts previously known. This is a phenomenal testimony to the accuracy and reliability of the Old Testament Scriptures. So many ancient non-religious manuscripts that are taken for granted as authentic, yet the evidence to support the authenticity of the Bible is literally 100’s of times more sound. Despite this, the Bible is still an unheeded book.
We also walked along the front of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament house) with Ezekiel’s ‘Valley of Dry Bones’ Prophecy depicted on the gates. It was also interesting to see the huge Menorah donated by the British Government in 1956 to the State of Israel also depicted this same prophecy amongst the scenes inscribed on the branches. These things are an amazing testimony to everyone that God foretold His intention to resurrect the dead nation of Israel in the latter days. This is all there, today, at the very gates of the Parliament of the modern nation! This is all a down payment to the fact that He will also resurrect faithful men and women as promised so long ago. As the Apostle Paul said to King Agrippa “Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead?” (Acts 26:10)
Funny that you had a Kiwi guide...we had an aussie from Melbourne!!